Volunteer With Us

Join our friendly team of volunteers and help support your NHS

Can You Help?

Volunteering with us is a great way to give something back, to meet new people, to ride more and a host of other reasons. Whatever your reason, you'll be making a real difference and be a part of a friendly team.

While we all have some challenging times, you'll find you have a strong team behind you - it is extremely rewarding.

Group of Derbyshire Blood Bike volunteers of mixed gender standing around a Blood Bike

We ask our volunteers to:

  • Help us fund-raise

    As we are 100% funded by donations we all need to do our bit by attending events and other fund-raising activities.

  • Be a friendly voice

    You’ll be meeting lots of people while on shift or fund-raising. As a representative of the charity it’s important we are helpful, friendly and approachable.

  • Commit to monthly shifts

    To keep your skills and to help us be 24/7 we ask that you can commit to a minimum of 1 shift per month.

And of course...

We provide you with full training and ongoing support including shadowing an experienced member of the team.

Derbyshire Blood Bikes

Derbyshire Blood Bikes provides a free medical courier service for our NHS.

We operate 24hrs a day, 365 days of the year

NHS Staff - if your not registered with us, please call us to see if we can help you.

07305 582 050

Derbyshire Blood Bikes is a charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales.
Charity Registration Number: 1143149

© 2025 · Derbyshire Blood Bikes